Loading UQLab on a cluster

I am having a similar problem. I am also trying to install UQLab on a cluster. I moved my local installation of UQLab including my license (UQLabCore_Rel1.3.0) to my folder on the cluster. Then I tried running the uqlab_install.p file, but I am not allowed to run .p files. Is there a workaround?

Thank you and best regards,

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Hi @Malhotra,

Welcome to UQWorld!

If you have already moved your whole local installation to a folder on the cluster, maybe you can try to execute uqlab on a MATLAB session running on the cluster from the following folder: my_UQLab_folder/core (note the subfolder core inside your UQLab location on the cluster).

Let us know if that works (or not)!

Thank you for your answer!
It seems that I am able to load UQLab, but I get an error regarding the license. This is the error message:

Error using uqlab (after line 1)
Could not connect to the license database: Java Virtual Machine (jvm) disabled in this Matlab session.

I am very new to using the cluster. Do you have a suggestion on how to solve this problem?


If you follow @c.lataniotis above, what do you get?

The following is the log file for executing: urlread(β€˜https://uqlicense.ethz.ch/verify_access/’)

Error: File: /home/com/matlab/R2020b/toolbox/matlab/iofun/private/urlreadwrite.m Line: 155 Column: 8
The import statement β€˜import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64’ cannot be found or cannot be imported. Imported names must end with β€˜.*’ or be fully qualified.
Error in urlread (line 47)
[s,status] = urlreadwrite(mfilename,catchErrors,url,varargin{:});
Error in script_test1 (line 4)

Hi @Malhotra,

From the error message you reported here:

Error using uqlab (after line 1)
Could not connect to the license database: Java Virtual Machine (jvm) disabled in this Matlab session.

It seems highly likely that you started Matlab with the -nojvm option.

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is required for UQLab to function properly.

The function urlread fails most likely due to the same reason: JVM is not available in the Matlab session.

So please make sure that you start your Matlab session with JVM enabled. This should be the case by default unless you explicitly request to disable it.

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Hi @c.lataniotis,

It seems it is disabled at default on the cluster, but I can enable as a startup command.
It works when I enable it!

Thank you so much for your help!