Install UQLab on server

I would like to install UQLab on the Matlab that I use on my laboratory cluster (so I don’t have full root access). I got the license and the UQLab files folder.
I am aware of this thread Install UQLab without write access to matlabroot, so I tried in my local working directory
create a folder mymatlab
In Matlab in

Preferences->General->Initial Working Folder

I set /home/dmetivie/mymatlab as my Initial working folder.
create an empty file pathdefin mymatlab folder
then in UQLabCore_Rel1.3.0/core/
when I run uqlab_install I get

No available license for the optimization toolbox and for the global optimization toolbox
Warning: Some features of the software may not be available 
> In uqlab_install 
Warning: the UQLab installer detected that the MATLAB path could not be saved.
Please make sure that the MATLAB startup folder is set to a writable location in the MATLAB preferences:
Preferences->General->Initial Working Folder

Checking for updates...
The installation was not successful!
The installer returned the following message: Error downloading URL. Your network connection may be down or your proxy settings improperly configured.

Do you know what I am doing wrong?

Hello @dmetivie,

About the error you get: could you please try executing the following command within Matlab


and let us know about the result you get?

7 posts were split to a new topic: Loading UQLab on a cluster

Dear Christos,
I’m up against same problem as Dmetivie, when I tried top install UQLAB in a commericial HPC.
The Following are the message I got:

And when I input: urlread(‘’) , I got following messages.QQ图片20210126200401

Dear all,
The problem is not on the UQLab side: please contact your server admins and show them the message.

The DNS can’t resolve the address of . This is a network configuration issue (are the servers airtight, i.e. not directly connected to the internet?).

UQLab requires a live internet connection, in particular outwards connectivity to port 443 (https) of both (licensing) and (updating).

If you still have issues, please contact us at for support.

Take care

Thanks Stefano,
It’s great, I have solved this problem!
Zhipeng Lai

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