For those who don’t know the GdR MASCOT-NUM, let me present it: a French research group with international activities dealing with stochastic methods for the analysis of numerical codes .
Its main objective is to coordinate research efforts in this scientific area, which is often called design, modeling and analysis of computer experiments .
Welcome on UQWorld! This is an open forum, everybody comes with his/her know-how and experience. Yours is huge in the field, so don’t feel intimidated !
Let me also second you on the GdR MASCOT-NUM. It is a unique place where French and other European researchers in the field of surrogate models, sensitivity analysis, design of computer experiments, etc. meet:
This network gathers both academic researchers, scientists from national research centres such as CEA, ONERA, IFPEN, IRSTEA, and companies. This is quite unique and definitely worth a visit!
Hope to see you soon again on UQWorld with other technical posts!
Best regards