TargetAccuracy and LarsEarlyStop not valid options when using LARS?

As the title suggests, I receive the following warnings:
Warning: The option "TargetAccuracy" is not a valid option for Model 1, it will not be used
Warning: The option "LarsEarlyStop" is not a valid option for Model 1, it will not be used
whenever I try to compute PCE coefficients using the LARS method.

That seems weird, considering that these are options found in the official documentation. I also tried to use each option separately without success.

P.S. If it is of any help, here is a list of all the options used

metaOpts.Type = 'Metamodel';
metaOpts.MetaType = 'PCE';
metaOpts.Method = 'LARS';
metaOpts.LarsEarlyStop = true;
metaOpts.TargetAccuracy = 1e-6;
metaOpts.Input = UniInput;
metaOpts.Degree = 4:10;
metaOpts.Display = 'quiet';

And the experimental design is explicitly provided:

metaOpts.ExpDesign.X = X_ss_cut;
metaOpts.ExpDesign.Y = Y_ss_cut;

Dear ChrisP,

You also have to specify the subfield as shown below. You will face the same problem for some of your other options. Please have a look at the manual on “How to read the reference list”.


Best regards,

Thank you so much, I totally missed that one