Good morning,
Thanks to the uqlab team for the amazing software. Please I am trying to model a problem using the RBDO module. This involves six environmental variables ( dependence between the first (H,T,V) and last three (He,Te,Ve) are implemented using vine copula). These environmental variables are ocean related parameters(first three normal operating and last three extreme conditions). There are also three design variables representing thickness of various riser section (t1,t2 and t3). The cost function is a minimization of the material volume of the entire riser length. The probabilistic constraint are two ( for the first three (operating) and last three variables(extreme)) where the three performance conditions for each constraint are in series (failure of one will leads to system failure for given condition). I am trying to use surrogate assisted, two-level, adaptive PCK- subset simulation (with multiple enrichment) but I get this error in my analysis . Appreciate any help on this @moustapha and others in the group. I have attached the uqlab code here RBDOLSF.m (746 Bytes)
RBDOtest.m (3.2 KB)
. Below is the error
error message:
Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 6).
Error in uq_display_uq_rbdo (line 164)
constraint = results.Constraints( iterGO+1 : iterGO+iterLO,: );
Error in uq_module/Display
Error in uq_display (line 4)
% uq_createModel, uq_createInput or uq_createAnalysis commands. The
Error in RBDOtest (line 70)
error message ends
Also, I noticed that the enrichment stops at 100 added even with the addition of
RBDO_PCKOpts.Constraints.Enrichment.MaxAdded = 1000;
Comment received: Maximum number of added points reached.
Appreciate input on this please.