PCE Validation set and error


I have been using the UQLab for performing sensitivity analysis on my models and I have recently started using PCE. I have an analytical model and I do not have experimental data, so I have been generating samples based on the approximated distributions and sampling techniques.

I understand that there are two types of errors in PCE, the leave-out-error and the validation error, and for the validation error you need a validation set XVal like in the PCE Truss example. However, I am not able to figure out how to use the generated samples and use send some of it into validation set. Is there some options that I have to include? Can I use uq_getSample or uq_enrichSobol as define that as my XVal?

Also, is there a possibility to calculate the R^2 error/coefficient as well?

I have included the code I use for PCE using the UQLab! Kindly help! :slight_smile:


% Clear all variables from the workspace, set the random number generator
% for reproducible results, and initialize the UQLab framework:
rng(100, 'twister')
ops = 'winhome';
if strcmp(ops, 'mac')
addpath '/Users/shadowfangs/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-KTH/PhD/Research/Codes/GSA/SensitivityAnalysisECO2Lab/Construct surrogates/PCE/UQLab_Rel2.0.0/core'
elseif strcmp(ops, 'server')
addpath 'C:\Users\SaKa\OneDrive - KTH\PhD\Research\Codes\Induction motor\UQLab_Rel2.0.0\core'
addpath 'C:\Users\SaKa\OneDrive - KTH\PhD\Research\Codes\Induction motor'
addpath 'C:\Users\Saika\OneDrive - KTH\PhD\Research\Codes\Induction motor\UQLab_Rel2.0.0\core'
addpath 'C:\Users\Saika\OneDrive - KTH\PhD\Research\Codes\Induction motor'

% Create a MODEL object from the function file:
ModelOpts.mFile = 'motormodelsobol';

myModel = uq_createModel(ModelOpts);


%% Inputs for R_r_dash example

InputOpts.Marginals(1).Name = 'n';  % 
InputOpts.Marginals(1).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(1).Parameters = [3 12];  % (m)

InputOpts.Marginals(2).Name = 'b';  % 
InputOpts.Marginals(2).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(2).Parameters = [0.5e-2 10e-2];  % 

InputOpts.Marginals(3).Name = 'A';  % 
InputOpts.Marginals(3).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(3).Parameters = [40e3  50e3];  % (m)

InputOpts.Marginals(4).Name = 'P_{rated}';  % 
InputOpts.Marginals(4).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(4).Parameters = [2.5e5    5e5];  % (m)

InputOpts.Marginals(5).Name = 'Jr';  % 
InputOpts.Marginals(5).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(5).Parameters = [3e6    5e6];  % 

InputOpts.Marginals(6).Name = 'B_{\delta_i}';  % 
InputOpts.Marginals(6).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(6).Parameters = [0.4    0.9];  % 

InputOpts.Marginals(7).Name = 'f';  % 
InputOpts.Marginals(7).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(7).Parameters = [30     80];  % 

InputOpts.Marginals(8).Name = 'U';  % 
InputOpts.Marginals(8).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(8).Parameters = [400      800];  % 

InputOpts.Marginals(9).Name = '\eta_{eff_{in}}';  % 
InputOpts.Marginals(9).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(9).Parameters = [0.8      0.9];  % 

InputOpts.Marginals(10).Name = 'cos \phi';  % 
InputOpts.Marginals(10).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(10).Parameters = [0.6      0.8];  %

InputOpts.Marginals(11).Name = '\alpha_i';  %
InputOpts.Marginals(11).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(11).Parameters = [0.6    0.9];  %

InputOpts.Marginals(12).Name = 'cos \zeta';  % 
InputOpts.Marginals(12).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(12).Parameters = [0.5    0.9];  %

InputOpts.Marginals(13).Name = 'J_{ring}';  % 
InputOpts.Marginals(13).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(13).Parameters = [3.5e6   4.5e6];  %

InputOpts.Marginals(14).Name = 'h_{1r}';  % 
InputOpts.Marginals(14).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(14).Parameters = [0.3e-3 0.8e-3];  %

InputOpts.Marginals(15).Name = 'h_{2r}';  % 
InputOpts.Marginals(15).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(15).Parameters = [0.3e-3 0.8e-3];

InputOpts.Marginals(16).Name = 'n_{req}';  % 
InputOpts.Marginals(16).Type = 'Uniform';
InputOpts.Marginals(16).Parameters = [1250 2000];  %

% Create an INPUT object based on the specified marginals:
myInput = uq_createInput(InputOpts);

% Sobol' indices are calculated first with a direct MC simulation 
% of the model and subsequently through post-processing of the
% coefficients of its PCE and LRA approximation.
%% 4.1 PCE-based Sobol' indices
% Select the metamodeling tool in UQLab
% and the polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) type:
PCEOpts.Type = 'Metamodel';
PCEOpts.MetaType = 'PCE';
PCEOpts.Input = myInput;

% Assign the full computational model:
PCEOpts.FullModel = myModel;
% The full model is used to generate an experimental design for the PCE. 

% Specify the maximum polynomial degree (*default*: sparse PCE):
PCEOpts.Degree = 7;

% Specify the size of the experimental design
% (i.e., the total computational cost of constructing the metamodel):
PCEOpts.ExpDesign.NSamples = 1000;
PCEOpts.ExpDesign.Sampling = 'sobol';

% Calculate the PCE:
myPCE = uq_createModel(PCEOpts);

% The same options structure |SobolOpts| can be re-used
% to create a new analysis on the PCE model:
% mySobolAnalysisPCE = uq_createAnalysis(SobolOpts);

PCESobol.Type = 'Sensitivity';
PCESobol.Method = 'Sobol';
PCESobol.Sobol.Order = 3;
PCESobolAnalysis = uq_createAnalysis(PCESobol);


Dear @saikausik

You can generate samples from your input object e.g. as follows:

Xval = uq_getSample(myInput, 1e6)

You can then evaluate your computational model on that input data:

Yval = uq_evalModel(myModel, Xval)

Then you can provide the data to the PCE model as follows

PCEOpts.ValidationSet.X = XVal;
PCEOpts.ValidationSet.Y = YVal;

Let me know if that worked for you!

Best regards

PS: Regarding the r2 you can have a look here: Coefficient of Determination (R-Squared) - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks Switzerland