[OpenTURNS] An open source Python library for UQ

Dear UQWorld people,

On behalf of the OpenTURNS team, we would like first to thank Pr. @bsudret and the RSUQ lab members for the creation of the UQWorld forum. This great initiative fills a need in the UQ community. We are happy to be welcome here to share about UQ methodology and the OpenTURNS project.

The OpenTURNS (Open source initiative for the Treatment of Uncertainties, Risks’N Statistics) project is an open source platform jointly developed by a consortium gathering five industrial and research lab partners: Airbus, EDF, IMACS, Phimeca Engineering and ONERA. Let’s discover it here!

The core of the platform is a C++ library, while the main user interface (API) is a Python module that can be imported simply after installing it (import openturns as ot).

OpenTURNS offers several basic and advanced tools for data analysis, probabilistic modeling, surrogate modeling, calibration, reliability and sensitivity analysis. Moreover, these algorithms are supported by powerful numerical methods for scientific computing.

The last release (1.15) can be found on GitHub and installed via Pip, Conda, or using binaries for Windows.

Any question related to coding issues can be adressed to the OT team on the Gitter chat.

If you’re interested in getting started, you can just download it, import it as a basic Python module and try to implement by yourself very simple pieces of code. Here are a few “Quick Start Guides” for beginners: about basic notions, symbolic functions, probabilistic modeling, PCE metamodeling, reliability analysis, sensitivity analysis, optimization or plotting graphs.

Finally, a user-friendly GUI, named “PERSALYS” has been developed for both daily engineering practice (i.e., for those who don’t want to become Pythonistas) as well as academic usage (e.g., for teaching illustration or labs). This GUI can be downloaded as part of the SALOME_EDF tool here.

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any question/remark/suggestion!


Hi @Vince,

Welcome to UQWorld! We’re happy to have OpenTURNS people here! :smile:

Thanks a lot for sharing the news; If you have some more news on OT, its updates, milestones, or perhaps use cases, we’d sure be glad to hear about them here!

I’m bit curious though about these so-called modules for OpenTURNS… what are they and who develop them?

Hi @damarginal,

Thanks for your warm reply! OpenTURNS people, UQLab people, we’re all going to the same way: ensuring that best practices, best tools, and significant research results are available for most of people!

So, that’s a good question: OpenTURNS modules!

These modules are basically small Python packages/libraries that rely on the main OpenTURNS library. Let’s say they “lie in a neighborhood” of the core library, while being rather independent and much more manageable/workable.

They mostly result from specific developments, either about specific methods (e.g., otmorris, otsubsetinverse, otrobopt), specific tools such as wrappers and file exchange modules (e.g., otwrapy, otfmi, otpmml).

Other modules are strongly related to external Python libraries (e.g., otagrum for Bayesian networks via aGrUM, otsvm with libsvm).

Finally, a few modules combine specific methods for dedicated applications (e.g., otpod for Probability of Detection in non-destructive testing) which concern only a few partners of the consortium.

One could say that modules are a kind of “antechamber” for the main library. These developments remain very effective, rather autonomous without weighing the main library down.

As soon as these modules become mature enough, or essential regarding the global usage of the library, one can decide to integrate properly within the core (which requires a proper C++ development).

It demonstrates that several modules can be proposed by users who want to contribute without waiting a pure development inside the main library!

Hope my answer is clear enough :slight_smile:.

Thanks for asking!


Dear UQWorld members,

I invite you to give a quick look at the presentations of the last OT Users’ Days (on June 5th & June 19th).

Presentations can be found/downloaded here!

To follow these OT-related events, Twitter can be your friend!

A nice pres’ from @Michael_Baudin about doing calibration with the Persalys GUI for OT can be found here!

Again, don’t hesitate to react! :slight_smile:

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