Mean Value and Standard Deviation - PCK

dear all,
I would like to compare the mean value and the standard deviation of the PCE and PCK metamodels applied to a set of existing data. Using Matlab, I do not understand where I can read the mean value and the standard deviation calculated by the Polynomial Chaos based-Kriging.
Thank you for your Help

Hi @SimoneRomani12,

Are you looking for the mean value of the PCK model or the mean value of the underlying PCE trend? You can access the PCE model for the trend with myPCK.Internal.PCE, and there you will find the typical fields. For the PCK model itself, there is no such nice closed form solution for the statistical moments as for PCE.

Best regards,

Dear Styfen,
I was interested in the statistical moments of the PCK and I clarified my dubts thanks to the second part of your answer.

Thank you.