Guidance on configuring a matlab model for Uqlab

Dear Sir, Madam,

I’m having difficulties employing this simple model to perform analysis with UQlab. By any chance Could you identify any issues with the composition of this function?

Best regards,


function [H2tot, H2Flux, Recovery,xfeed_H2_all] = Script_function(X)
    % Initialize constants that do not depend on Pfeed and T
    %   X(:, 1) corresponds to the feed pressure 'Pfeed' [Pa]
    %   X(:, 2) corresponds to the temperature 'T' [K]
    Qin = 0.5;                     % Total volumetric flow rate entering the reactor[l/min]
    Vm = 24.464;                   % Molar Volume[l/mol]
    Pperm = 1E5;                   % Total pressure in the permeate[Pa]
    xin_H2 = 1;                    % Molar fraction of H2 entering the reactor[-]
    n = 0.749;                     % Membrane characteristic pressure exponent[-]
    Ea = 7805.3;                   % Membrane activation energy[J/mol]
    P0 = 4.373e-10;                % Membrane permeability coefficient (per unit membrane thickness) [mol/s/Pa/m]
    t = 2e-6;                      % Membrane total thickness (protective+selective layers)[m]
    d = 0.014;                     % Membrane external diameter[m]
    l = 0.08;                      % Membrane length[m]
    R = 8.314;                     % Universal gas constant[J/mol/K]
    lm = 0:0.00001:l;              % Discretized membrane length [m]
    % Preallocate arrays for results
    H2tot = zeros(size(X, 1), 1);
    H2Flux = zeros(size(X, 1), 1);
    Recovery = zeros(size(X, 1), 1);
    xfeed_H2_all = zeros(size(X, 1), length(lm));
    for idx = 1:size(X, 1)
        % Extract Pfeed and T from the input matrix
           Pfeed = X(idx, 1);
           T = X(idx, 2);
        % Calculate dependent variables
        Fin_tot = Qin / (Vm * 60); % Total molar flow rate entering the reactor [mol/s]
        xin_i = 1 - xin_H2;        % Molar fraction of i-species entering the reactor[-]
        Fin_H2 = Fin_tot * xin_H2; % Molar flow rate of H2 entering the reactor[mol/s]
        Fin_i = Fin_tot * xin_i;   % Molar flow rate of i-species entering the reactor[mol/s]
        % Calculate the membrane permeance
        t_PD = t; % Membrane thickness of the selective layer [m]
        Permeance_H2 = (P0 / t_PD) * exp(-Ea / (R * T)); % H2 permeance [mol/s/m/Pa^n]

        % Discretization of the membrane length
        da = (3.14 * d * l) / length(lm); % Discretized membrane area [m2]
        % Initialize variables for the discretized membrane calculations
        F_i = zeros(1, length(lm));
        F_H2 = zeros(1, length(lm));
        Fperm_H2 = zeros(1, length(lm));
        Pperm_H2 = zeros(1, length(lm));
        Pfeed_i = zeros(1, length(lm));
        Pfeed_H2 = zeros(1, length(lm));
        xfeed_i = zeros(1, length(lm));
        xfeed_H2 = zeros(1, length(lm));

        % Initial conditions at the first discretization point
        F_i(1) = Fin_i;
        F_H2(1) = Fin_H2;
        xfeed_i(1) = xin_i;
        xfeed_H2(1) = xin_H2;

        % Perform calculations along the length of the membrane
        for i = 1:length(lm)
            xfeed_i(i) = F_i(i) / Fin_tot;
            xfeed_H2(i) = (F_H2(i) - Fperm_H2(i)) / (Fin_tot - Fperm_H2(i));
            Pfeed_i(i) = Pfeed * xfeed_i(i);
            Pfeed_H2(i) = Pfeed * xfeed_H2(i);

            if (Pfeed_H2(i)^n - Pperm_H2(i)^n) <= 0 
                Fperm_H2(i+1) = Fperm_H2(i);
                Fperm_H2(i+1) = Permeance_H2 * da * (Pfeed_H2(i)^n - Pperm_H2(i)^n);

            Pperm_H2(i+1) = Pperm;
            F_i(i+1) = F_i(i); % Assuming no permeation of i-species
            F_H2(i+1) = F_H2(i) - Fperm_H2(i+1);

        % Calculate the total mole flow permeated for H2, flux, and recovery
        H2tot(idx) = sum(Fperm_H2); % Total mole flow permeated [mol/s]
        H2Flux(idx) = H2tot(idx) / (3.14 * d * l); % Total flux permeated [mol/s/m^2]
        Recovery(idx) = sum(Fperm_H2) / (xin_H2 * Fin_tot); % Recovery rate [-]
        xfeed_H2_all(idx, :) = xfeed_H2;

Dear @Simon

Can you provide more context, probably what you are trying to do, how you tried it and what didn’t work, or at what point you got stuck?

In general, it’s good if you give us as much information as possible to work with. Not only does this make it easier for us to understand what you are doing and localize the problem, but it also helps you get help faster.

Best regards