Hi @paulremo, (Hello also to anyone else who is interested in this topic)
trying to follow your suggestion in your post in the topic Uq_display_uq_inversion: Determine limits for scatter plots for posteriori samples from the posteriori samples instead of using prior sampesl I would like to present a further possible flag for the scatter plots:
One should add a flag like ‘scatter.reusePriorLimits’
or ‘scatter.useDifferentLimits’
that could allow to switch between:
- Using the extrema of the samples for the prior density to determine the limits for the scatter plots for the prior and the posterior density, such that one can visualize the information gain thanks to the performing the Bayesian inversion.
- Using the extrema of the samples for the posterior density to determine the limits for the scatter plots for the posterior density (and the extrema of the samples for the prior density to determine only the limits for the scatter plots for the prior) such that one is able to really inspect the features of the posterior density in the posterior scatter plot in the case of a large information gain.