First time in the forum? Welcome!

Welcome to UQWorld Discussion Forum!

UQWorld is an open community that connects UQ practitioners and researchers from different fields of applications or research having any levels of expertise in UQ methods, beginners and experts alike.

If you’re really new to the community, you can start from this short post to know more about it.

But if you’re looking for somewhere to get started participating, here is a good place. Hit the Reply button at the bottom, just say hi :wave:, or tell us more about yourself and what brings you to UQWorld.

Are you currently applying UQ methods in your work? Which ones? and in which field? Tell us about it.

Or perhaps you’re developing your own UQ method and want to tell us more about it?

Or, maybe you’d like to share about why you join UQWorld? Say, what is your hope as a member?

So jump right in regardless of your level of expertise in UQ—which ever feels right for you.