Example of Bayesian inference computation creating a model output at the mean of the parameter samples that is outside of the discrete posterior predictive support

Dear Paul,

thanks for your answer with this elaborated discussion and your suggestion to reparametrize the problem. I will apply this to my real world application.
I view of your remark that the AIES MSMC samplers has less problems with the hyperbolic trench as other MCMC smaplers I would like to point out some observation that surprised me somehow:

Since I believed that the model output at the mean of the parameter samples would be in the discrete posterior predictive support if the numbers of steps became sufficiently large, I increased the value of Solver.MCMC.Steps up to 25,000, but could not observe this behavior. This behavior was still not observed after I increased Solver.MCMC.Steps even further to 250,000. After more the 72 hours of computing time got I the following plots for the MCMC samples with a strange observation in the second plot, i.e. the one for X2:



I try to figure out if this change of behavior for the samples for X2 at around step 110,000 can be a real result of the algorithm or if it may be an indication that there may be some well hidden error somewhere?
What do you think?

Many thanks again
