Incorrect dimensions for matrix multiplication. Check that the number of columns in the first matrix matches the number of rows in the second matrix. To perform elementwise multiplication, use '.*'.
Error in uq_lar (line 199)
cj = Psi'*(Y - mu);
Error in uq_PCE_lars (line 60)
lar_results = uq_lar(Psi, Y, lar_options);
You cannot have matrices as outputs of a UQLab model, only vectors. This means that you need to use the reshape function of Matlab to transform your 10x10 matrix into a line vector of length N_{out} =100 (1x100 array in Matlab). You should wrap your MODEL function such that it outputs a 1x100 array.
As a recap, if the dimension of your input vector is M=10, and you use N=100 samples, your experimental design (input) will be stored in a matrix of size N\times M, that is 100 x 10.
If you can vectorize your MODEL function, it should take a set of input vectors as a matrix of size N \times M and provide as an output a matrix of size N \times N_{out}.