Bayesian inference: Prediction?

Dear @Mr121Tony ,

if you are interested in making predictions in a “real case”, you have to generate a BayesOpts object as described in Section 3.1 of the manual describing the “real case” and use this as input for uq_createAnalysis. Using the .Results.PostProc.PostSample-component of the struct resulting from this this function call one can compute predictions, which I prefer to denote as performing forward UQ.

Following the suggestion by Paul-Remo in I extract 2D-arrays containing sample-vectors of
the values of the different parameters combined with a value for the computed discrepancy. Afterwards I use these sample-vectors to perform Forward UQ
similar to the method the posterior predictive samples are computed in UQLab:
for each sample-vector I computed the value for my model for the given set of
parameter values and afterwards noise was added by computing a noise sample
for a normal distributed error according to the corresponding discrepancy value to
get a sample for the posterior predictive density.


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